This story caught my eye – shipping containers as part of a World Cup stadium?! WHAT? More importantly – why?
Well, as it’s been stated before (and quite obvious) – Qatar doesn’t have the means to support the longevity and utilization of brand new stadiums sized to support tens of thousands of fans. The organizing committee, credit to them, realized they didn’t need any additional bad press about building notorious “white elephants” (especially when you consider the alleged mistreatment of the workers) and is striving for excellence in sustainability. The idea is these shipping containers host all the materials needed to construct the stadium and as the stadium design is modular, once the tournament is over, the stadium can be torn down, packed into the containers and shipped to the next location. Here are a few highlights:
- The stadium of interest is Ras Abu Aboud Stadium
- The capacity is 40,000 fans
- The building could even earn a four-star rating from the Global Sustainability Assessment System (GSAS) certification