Find Your Seat In The Stadium Seating Plan
Once your tickets are confirmed, the next exciting moment is finding out where you get assigned. That is, unless you are Category 1 and found out that you’re the last row of the stadium, but at midfield. We hear this complaint every tournament but it still surprises so many people.
This article is to help you find your seat assignments (Block / Row / Seat) within the stadium as well as how to zoom into the exact seat you’ll be occupying.
Step 1 of 2: Find Block / Row / Seat
If the mobile app isn’t ready yet, you’ll be able to find your Block / Row / Seat within your FIFA account. The seats typically do not appear until about 2 months out from the first game of the tournament. It coincides with the Resale Portal going live (which, for the Resale Portal, you actually see the ticket locations before you purchase).
Images speak a 1,000 words so check the slide show (use the arrows or scroll to navigate) below for screenshots on using your FIFA account:
Step 2 of 2: View Seats on Map
One frustrating aspect is there’s plenty of images that display the Blocks/Sections and/or Categories of stadiums but not much detail for the specific seats…unless you have a ticket.
Once you find your tickets, you’ll see an option to “View on Map”.
This option right here is where you can find your exact seat, relative to all seats in the stadium.
However, doing so is not the best visual. When you first click into this, it isn’t intuitive but you can zoom in and out of the map. And once you start doing this, the map takes a few seconds to render.
How do you find your seat? You need to give the map some time to load and then you will see, very discretely, your seats as colored dots. The slideshow above illustrates this.
We also are posting a screen grab below to illustrate the zooming into exact rows and seat numbers within the Blocks. You wouldn’t believe the number of times people say “it doesn’t work for me”, only to find out that they just need more patience on the rendering of the zoom.